SpiceMixers WFHF Re-min Blend
$40.00 - $110.00
per item
*pubmed.gov - Essential Mineral Interactions in Inflammation Studies
** SpiceMixers food and beverage boosters are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, cure or mitigate any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding usage. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administation.
The testimonials, views, statements, thoughts, and opinions expressed on our website, and/or in related videos belong solely to the individuals depicted, and do not necessarily express the views of the company. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. The views are representative of user experience but exact experience and results will be unique and individual to each person.
All Rights Reserved. SpiceMixers, SpiceMixers Master Minerals & Spice Blends, SpiceMixers Delicious Food & Beverage Boosters, ReMin, Diamond ReMin, E-Lyminator, Mood-El, Lion's Gate, Chem-Trail, Calm Ocean, Re-Mineralization Can be Magical, are Trademarks of SpiceMixers.