Calm Ocean
This is a subtle yet richly satisfying blend containing basic and essential master nutrients such as selenium, boron, silica, ionic silver and magnesium compounds that have long been associated with brain, nerve and psychological well-being. Bio-available magnesium has long been understood to be necessary for deep sleep, relaxation and reduction of anxiety. Brain tissue, actually, can become inflamed just as can any other tissue in the body. Normally we just ignore it, however bad an idea that is. A brain ‘on fire’ is not good for anyone however.
Organic anxiety is a term that aptly describes an inflammatory condition that can accompany inflamed brain tissue. It may explain why we cannot sleep, or concentrate (just ask any kid in school), or relax and be comfortable in our own skin. Nature’s bio-available minerals are well known to be able to detoxify brain and endocrine organ tissue, including the all important thyroid, thymus, pituitary and pineal glands that regulate hormone and other homeostasis levels. Because heavy metals, such as mercury and aluminum, and other metabolic debris tend to clog up nerve and brain tissue we do need a natural way to clear out all this toxicity. Oh, and this blend tastes like a chai tea. Or you can put the blend in your coffee, or applesauce, or yogurt, or whatever you normally have before bed and in the morning. We say that Calm Ocean will put you to bed at night and wake you up in the morning. Master regulating minerals do not act as sedatives so much as put you naturally back on your own internal clock!**
Ingredients: Cinnamon, Cloves, Turmeric, Chicory root, Black seed, Cumin, Black pepper, Boron, Silica, Selenium, Potassium, Zinc, CaCl, Magnesium glycinate, Magnesium chloride, Iodine, Ionic silver.
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All Natural Food & Beverage Boosters!
A tasty, delightful blend to support you in feeling fabulous! Simply add a pinch to your favorite food or warm beverage, or dissolve a pinch in a little warm water and add to your favorite cold beverage!